Crestron Mercury

Crestron Mercury

Are You Making These Mistakes with Your Conferencing Setup?

Efficient video conferencing is vital to both employee collaboration as well as client acquisition and retention. But despite its evident importance, many companies still settle for systems doomed to failure from the start. Over the years, we’ve seen a few common issues show up in a lot of the retrofit projects we fix. We have learned from […]

How Crestron Mercury Helps Collaborative Businesses Succeed

For some Minneapolis, MN businesses, commercial automation might sound like a “nice-to-have” offering instead of a viable business development tool. For others, including many of the clients that Lelch Audio Video has interacted with, they’ve found Crestron Mercury a priceless feature for bolstering their business offerings and creating more valuable products and services. Some of the customers […]

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Zoom Rooms?

There are generally two primary approaches when it comes to your conference room design. Software-based systems like Zoom and Skype for Business can be pulled up by members of the team on any web browser or through a mobile app. Hardware-based systems offer up high-end audio, video, and collaborative technology to make it easier to communicate […]

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